INCIDENT: | Suspect Arrested for Entering Occupied Home in the Middle of the Night |
DATE/TIME: | 03/07/19 @ 0219 hours |
LOCATION: | 300 block West Hill Street |
SUSPECT(S): | Ricardo Palazuelos, 23 years old |
PREPARED BY: | Crystal Walker, Detective |
CONTACT PERSON AND CONTACT INFO: | Crystal Walker, Detective Crystal.walker@oxnardpd.org or (805) 385-7668 |
On 03/07/19 at approximately 0220 hours, while a family was sleeping inside of their home located in the 300 block of Hill Street, an intruder entered their home through an open window.
While inside the residence the suspect identified as Ricardo Palazuelos, 23 years old began to rummage through the family’s personal belongings. Family members were awakened by the suspect and immediately detained him. The Oxnard Police Department was notified and he was taken into custody.
During the police investigation, property was found in possession of Palazuelos that did not belong to him or the family. It is believed that Palazuelos might have unlawfully obtained the property from another residence.
The suspect was charged with residential burglary, child endangerment, possession of narcotic paraphernalia and for being under the influence of a controlled substance.
The Oxnard Police Department is asking for your assistance. If you have any information regarding any additional burglaries or thefts in the area of the 300 block of Hill Street, or are a victim yourself, please contact the Oxnard Police Department and make a police report.
Residents are reminded and encouraged to report any and all suspicious activity to the police. Reports can be made anonymously and translators are available 24 hours a day. Anyone with information regarding criminal activity is encouraged to contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7740 or the Ventura County Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477 and www.venturacountycrimestoppers.org.
DATE / TIME PREPARED: 03/12/19 @ 3:00 p.m.