The City of Oxnard reported a total of 4,515 crimes for calendar year 2022. This figure, which represents Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) statistics offenses, indicates an overall increase of 7.81% from the previous year.
A pesar del aumento, Oxnard’s level of reported UCR crime remains 10% inferior al del último año prepandémico de 2019, que vio un reportado 5,107 crímenes. The final figure for 2022 UCR reportable crimes (4,515), is the second lowest reported crime year in Oxnard over the last ten years, and the third lowest year since 1992.
Contained within this news release are the UCR statistics for 2022. INFORME COMPLEMENTARIO, INFORME COMPLEMENTARIO, INFORME COMPLEMENTARIO 18,000 agencias de aplicación de la ley en todo el país. INFORME COMPLEMENTARIO. The statistics are classified into eight “Part One” crimes that fall under two broad categories: INFORME COMPLEMENTARIO.
The below table contains UCR crimes reported in 2022:
Como se indica en el cuadro, Como se indica en el cuadro 7.81% increase in Part 1 Como se indica en el cuadro 2022. Había 327 more reported crimes than in the previous year. Como se indica en el cuadro, Como se indica en el cuadro 19.2% incrementar, Como se indica en el cuadro, Como se indica en el cuadro 5.6% incrementar, en comparación con 2021.
Como se indica en el cuadro
There were nine (9) Como se indica en el cuadro 2022, cuatro (4) menos que el año anterior. Oxnard de 2022 Como se indica en el cuadro 33%, Como se indica en el cuadro. Como se indica en el cuadro.
Violent crime saw an increase in robberies (20.8%), an increase in aggravated assaults (23.6%), and one additional reported rape (1.2%) en 2022 Como se indica en el cuadro. también, there was an overall increase of 25.6% en delitos relacionados con la violencia doméstica en 2022 Como se indica en el cuadro. Como se indica en el cuadro, Como se indica en el cuadro:
Delitos de violencia doméstica
Property crime in Oxnard experienced increases in burglary (25.7%) Delitos de violencia doméstica (32.3%). There was a reduction in larceny, Delitos de violencia doméstica, (-2.2%) and a reduction in arson (-13.2%).
The Oxnard Police Department had set a previous goal to report the 2022 Delitos de violencia doméstica Delitos de violencia doméstica (Delitos de violencia doméstica). Delitos de violencia doméstica. To accurately collect the additional data elements to the FBI (Delitos de violencia doméstica) standards, California law enforcement records management systems vendors had to build new programs to include those additional data sets. This delayed many California agencies, including the Oxnard Police Department, from meeting the goal to submit and report NIBRS crime data in 2022. sin embargo, the Oxnard Police Department aims to release 2023 year-end crime statistics from data collected using NIBRS.
It is important to understand the difference between UCR and NIBRS crime reporting. UCR crime data is collected by reporting the highest level offense in each criminal incident. This summary of crime information is tabulated in monthly reports. Delitos de violencia doméstica, sin embargo, collects detailed data on each criminal offense within each incident. NIBRS va mucho más allá para proporcionar circunstancias y contexto para los crímenes, which will provide a more detailed understanding of crime patterns, and help law enforcement make informed decisions about crime prevention and public safety.
El jefe Jason Benites declaró, “We have been fortunate to have experienced a downward trend in reported crime in Oxnard for the past seven years. Oxnard experienced an unprecedented 18% drop in reported crime in 2021, marking that year as having the least reported crime in a decade (and the second lowest year since 1992). It is not surprising that when statistics drop to a low point, we then see an uptick in the following time period, as figures revert towards average year levels.”
He added, “The past three years in our world have also been extraordinary ones. The COVID-19 pandemic caused major changes in our society. Behaviors changed as restrictions accompanied the pandemic. As emergency orders were scaled back, and are soon to be rescinded, we find ourselves trending back to pre-pandemic years. This includes activities and behaviors, and crime expectedly comes along with that. Crime reduction is a fundamental department priority, and we will continue to put forth great effort to keep our community safe.”