FECHA: Abril 17, 2023
TEMA: Liberación de la policía de Oxnard Informe comunitario sobre incidentes críticos video of officer involved shooting incident
UBICACIÓN: 2000 cuadra de East Bard Road, Oxnard
CONTACTO: Alex Arnett, Comandante
(805) 385-7620 (Lun-Jue 8AM-6PM) alex.arnett @ (fuera de horas)
El Departamento de Policía de Oxnard está publicando un Informe comunitario sobre incidentes críticos video del incidente del tiroteo involucrado por un oficial que ocurrió aproximadamente a 6:00 P.M. el viernes, Abril 7, 2023.
El público puede ver el Informe comunitario sobre incidentes críticos video on the Oxnard Police Department’s YouTube channel: The link to the Informe comunitario sobre incidentes críticos video will also be available on the Oxnard Police Department’s Facebook, Gorjeo, y cuentas de instagram. Se recomienda la discreción del espectador.
El jefe Jason Benites declaró: “The purpose of the video is to provide a general overview of what happened, hopefully answer questions that we realize may exist, as well as help discourage the spread of misinformation.”
The video also provides an explanation of the “less lethal” devices that were used prior to the officer involved shooting, as well as the functions and limitations of the officers’ body-worn cameras. Body worn cameras from all five officers present captured the incident from their respective positions.
Chief Benites added, “This video is in no way intended to offer an opinion or analysis of what transpired. Its scope is limited to presenting facts. It is focused only on the incident itself, and not beyond that…We encourage those watching the video to try to not arrive at a conclusion about the incident, as not all facts, evidence, and information have been corroborated or verified.”
La investigación sigue en curso. Detectives are requesting that anyone who might have witnessed the incident or has additional information to contact Detective Charles Buttell at (805) 385-7688 o [email protected].