![]() Jeri Williams Jefe de la Policía |
Departamento de Policía de Oxnard
R. Jason Benites De Scott Whitney |
INCIDENTE: | Prohibited person in possession of a handgun |
FECHA / HORA: | 5-28-14 4:30PM |
UBICACIÓN: | 400 cuadra South G St, Oxnard |
Pablo Francisco Torres, 34 años de edad Jose Petris, 33 años de edad 15 year old female juvenile |
PREPARADO POR: | Sergeant Charles Woodruff |
Detective Edward Kasaba, 805-385-7641 |
En 5-28-14, en alrededor 4:30PM, Detectives del Equipo de Narcóticos de la Calle del Departamento de Policía de Oxnard junto con el Departamento de Libertad Condicional respondieron a una residencia en el 400 bloque del Sur G Street. As they proceeded to the residence from the alley, they recognized one of the occupants in the rear yard as Paul Torres and knew that he had an outstanding felony warrant. The officers attempted to contact Torres who then ran into the garage of the residence. Moments later, Torres emerged from the garage and was taken into custody. The officers also contacted suspect Jose Petris who was hiding in the garage along with a 15 year old female juvenile who was a reported runaway from Camarillo.
Officers searched the garage and located a discarded semi-automatic handgun. Torres was later arrested for being a prohibited person in possession of that firearm. Petris was arrested for narcotic violations and the female was later returned to a responsible party.
Torres is currently in the Post Release Offender Program, creado por Bill Bill 109 - el 2011 Realineamiento de la seguridad pública, que entró en vigencia en octubre 1, 2011. Este programa exige que las personas condenadas a no violenta, no serio (independientemente de los antecedentes) o delitos no sexuales cumplirán sus condenas en las cárceles del condado en lugar de la prisión estatal. El público debe saber que la divulgación bajo AB 109 se basa en el delito más reciente del infractor. Las condenas previas son no considerado.
In an effort to address the recent increase in firearms-related crimes, Oxnard Police launched the Operation Safer and Stronger Initiative, as well as the Firearms Strike Team (RÁPIDO) liderado por la Unidad de Crímenes Violentos, to proactively remove firearms from prohibited persons within the city. The objective of the initiative and FAST is to reduce gun violence in Oxnard through education, intervention, and enforcement.
Persons with additional information are encouraged to call the Violent Crimes Hotline at (805) 982-7070, o póngase en contacto con el condado de Ventura a Crime Stoppers al (800) 222-8477. Las personas también pueden visitar el sitio web.http://www.venturacountycrimestopper.org/contact.aspx dejar un consejo anónimo.