![]() Jeri Williams Jefe de la Policía |
Departamento de Policía de Oxnard
R. Jason Benites De Scott Whitney |
Evite la 14 Ventura County Task Force DUI Planes de Represión de vacaciones To Stop Impaired Driving and Save Lives |
FECHA / HORA: | Diciembre 14, 2012 hasta enero 1, 2013 |
UBICACIÓN: | Condado-Wide |
PREPARADO POR: | Randy Latimer, tráfico sargento, Departamento de Policía de Oxnard |
Randy Latimer, tráfico sargento, Departamento de Policía de Oxnard (805-385-7847) randy.latimer @ oxnardpd.org María Peña, Investigador de Tráfico, Departamento de Policía de Oxnard (805-385-7750) maria.pena @ oxnardpd.org |
Evite la 14 Condado de Ventura
Campaña DUI |
For Immediate Release December 12, 2012
Contacto: Officer Sergeant Randy Latimer (805) 385-7847, randy.latimer @ oxnardpd.org
Evite la 14 Ventura County Task Force DUI Planes de Represión de vacaciones
To Stop Impaired Driving and Save Lives
Oxnard, California– Heads up to holiday party-goers! To help save lives this holiday season, law enforcement from 14 agencies are launching a special “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” crackdown to stop impaired drivers and to save lives on our roadways.
La Condado de Ventura DUI Evitar la 14 Equipo de Trabajo is announcing that officers and deputieswill be aggressively looking forimpaired drivers and will arrest anyone caught driving under the influence. Enforcement efforts will include: 4 Los puestos de control de DUI Licencia / Drivers, 15 local DUI saturation patrols, a Multi-Agency DUI Taskforce strike team patrol, and a DUI Warrant/Probation sweep. The CHP will deploy all available officers during two Maximum Enforcement Periods – Christmas and New Years Weekends. La represión de la aplicación especial se ejecutará a partir de diciembre 14, 2012, hasta enero 1, 2013. (En Anexo adjunto de Operaciones de Aplicación)
“Lots of folks will be out during this busy holiday season, enjoying themselves and the holiday festivities, and we want everyone to be safe on our roadways.” said Avoid the 14 Task force Coordinator, Sergeant Randy Latimer of the Oxnard Police Department. “That’s why we will be stepping up enforcement to catch and arrest impaired drivers. Please be forewarned. If you are caught driving impaired, you will be arrested. Ninguna advertencia. No excuses.”
Durante 2010, más que 10,000 personas murieron en todo el país en accidentes de tráfico de vehículos de motor que involucran conductores ebrios y en California 791 personas murieron en las calles y carreteras de nuestro estado. Había 14 las personas que murieron en el condado de Ventura ese año.
La temporada navideña es un tiempo particularmente peligroso. Durante diciembre 2010, 30 por ciento de todas las muertes en accidente de tráfico de vehículos de motor implicados conductores del alcohol. Los datos también muestran que entre esas víctimas mortales del alcohol al volante, 71 ciento ocurrió cuando los conductores tenían casi el doble de la concentración de alcohol en sangre límite legal de .15 % BAC o superior.
“No one ever thinks that their holiday celebration will end in jail, or worse, in a hospital or the morgue,” said Sergeant Rick Harwood, Thousand Oaks Police Traffic Sergeant. “But for those who include alcohol in their celebrations and then get behind the wheel, this is too often the case.”
Heads Up –violators face jail time, loss of driver license, and steep financial consequences such as higher insurance rates, attorney fees, costos judiciales, lost time at work, and the potential loss of job.
El evitar los 14 Coalición dijo que hay tres pasos sencillos que las personas pueden tomar para mantenerse a salvo y fuera de peligro:
1. Plan ahead. Si va a beber, do not plan on driving. Designe a un conductor sobrio o encontrar otro camino a casa segura. Even one too many drinks increases the risk of a crash while driving a motor vehicle.
2. If you are impaired, find another way home. Use a taxi, call a sober friend or family member, use public transportation. Be responsible. If someone you know is drinking, do not let them get behind the wheel. If you see an impaired driver on the road, Report Them – Llamada 911! Your actions may save someone’s life, and inaction could cost a life.
“We want everyone to enjoy their holidays, but we also want our roadways to be safe,” said Christopher J. Murphy, Director of the California Office of Traffic Safety. “Police, Sheriffs and the CHP will be out in force to help save lives, and they are not going to tolerate impaired driving. So remember, ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.’ They will be watching.”
El nacionalConductor sobrio o dejarse embaucar Over represión es liderado por la Oficina de Seguridad Vial de California (OTS) and NHTSA, with the California Avoid DUI Task Force Campaign combining high-visibility enforcement and heightened public awareness through publicity. El programa es financiado por la Oficina de Seguridad Vial de California.
Medios Notas:To schedule an interview regarding Anti Drunk-Driving efforts, or request a ride-along with law enforcement during the holiday period, please contact Sergeant Randy Latimer at 805-385-7847 o por correo electrónico a randy.latimer @ oxnardpd.org.
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