![]() Jeri Williams Jefe de la Policía |
Departamento de Policía de Oxnard
R. Jason Benites De Scott Whitney |
INCIDENTE: | Servicio de búsqueda Warrant / Detención armas de fuego |
FECHA / HORA: | 10/22/14 en aproximadamente 5:00 a.m. |
UBICACIÓN: | Cities of Oxnard and Port Hueneme |
SOSPECHOSO(S): | Uriel Barrera, 19-años de edad, residente Port Hueneme |
PREPARADO POR: | Eric S. Sonstegard, Comandante |
Comandante Eric S. Sonstegard (805) 385-7801 [email protected] |
Earlier this morning, simultaneous search warrants were served by Oxnard Police Department Investigators with the assistance of the Oxnard Police Department’s Special Weapons and Tactics Team (APLASTAR.). The search warrants were served in the cities of Oxnard and Port Hueneme and were part of an ongoing criminal investigation.
Durante las búsquedas, investigators seized firearms, munición, and additional evidence related to the ongoing criminal investigation. As a result of the evidence seized, investigators arrested 19-year old Port Hueneme resident Uriel Barrera (see picture below). Barrera is a convicted felon; therefore, he is prohibited from owning or possessing firearms. Barrera was charged with being a prohibited person in possession of a firearm. Barrera is a documented Colonia Chiques gang member and has previously been served with the civil gang injunction. Today’s arrest marks the fourth time that he has been arrested in possession of a firearm in the last four (4) año.
Earlier this year in an effort to address the increase in firearms-related crimes, the Oxnard Police Department launched the Operation Safer and Stronger Initiative, así como el equipo de ataque de armas de fuego (RÁPIDO) liderado por la Unidad de Crímenes Violentos, to proactively remove firearms from prohibited persons within the city. The objective of this initiative andFAST is to reduce gun violence in Oxnard through education, intervention, and enforcement.
El Departamento de Policía de Oxnard continúa alentando a los residentes a ser socios en la seguridad pública como parte de la iniciativa Operation Safer and Stronger. Si alguien tiene información con respecto a la actividad criminal en contacto con el Departamento de Policía de Oxnard a (805) 385-7600, o los del Condado de Ventura a Crime Stoppers al (805) 222-8477 y www.venturacountycrimestoppers.org/contactus.