FECHA: Abril 29, 2021, 9:45 PM
TEMA: Fatal Traffic Collision
UBICACIÓN: Gonzales Road at Victoria Avenue
DRIVER / VEHÍCULO: Hembra adulta no identificada
2008 Nissan Altima
DRIVER / VEHÍCULO: 31-hembra de un año de Oxnard, California
2019 dodge durango
CONTACTO: Paul Knapp, Oficial superior
(805) 305-7750 | [email protected]
En abril 29, 2021, en torno 9:45 PM, Oxnard officers and EMS personnel responded to a call of a traffic collision involving two vehicles that occurred in the intersection of Gonzales Road and Victoria Avenue in the City of Oxnard. The initial investigation determined that the Dodge Durango and the Nissan Altima collided with each other in the intersection for unknown reasons.
The unidentified adult female driver of the Nissan Altima suffered serious injuries during the collision and was immediately transported to the Ventura County Medical Center. Despite advanced medical treatment, the driver succumbed to her injuries.
El conductor de la 2019 dodge durango, identified as a 31-year-old female of Oxnard, was transported to St John’s Regional Medical Center due to minor injuries.
Se está llevando a cabo una investigación para determinar si hubo drogas y / o alcohol involucrados.. Cualquier persona que tenga información sobre esta colisión debe comunicarse con el Oficial Superior Paul Knapp en (805) 385-7750 o por correo electrónico a [email protected].