FECHA: Julio 2, 2022, 1:43 PM
TEMA: Men stopped for public drinking at park had gun
UBICACIÓN: Del Sol Park, 1500 Camino Del Sol, Oxnard
SOSPECHOSO(S): Josué Vaca, 18, & antonio bivens, 21, ambos residentes en Oxnard
PREPARADO POR: Luis McArthur, Comandante
(805) 207-4762 | luis.mcarthur @
CONTACTO: Luis McArthur, Comandante
(805) 207-4762 | luis.mcarthur @
OXNARD, CA – On Saturday, Julio 2, 2022, en torno 1:43 p.m., an Oxnard officer patrolling near Del Park, 1500 Colonia Rd. spotted two men drinking near the restrooms. The men immediately fled into the restroom when they saw the officer.
One of the men, Joshua Vaca came out, but was immediately resistive and was wrestled to the ground. He had a loaded .22 caliber pistol concealed in his pants. The other subject, Anthony Bivens threatened to intercede and hurt the officer if he did not let go of his friend. Other officers responded to help and were able to stop Bivens as he tried to flee through the park. Bivens ditched a knife near a trash can before he was stopped.
Vaca and Bivens were charged with weapons and Bivens faces an additional charge of threatening an officer. The two men were booked in Ventura County Jail.