![]() Jeri Williams Jefe de la Policía |
Departamento de Policía de Oxnard
R. Jason Benites De Scott Whitney |
INCIDENTE: | Evite la 14 Ventura County Deploys DUI Enforcement Operations During Summer Campaign |
FECHA / HORA: | Agosto 21 a septiembre 7, 2015 |
UBICACIÓN: | County of Ventura |
Brian Woolley, tráfico sargento, (805) 385-7847 [email protected] |
Jamie Brown, Coordinador de Tráfico, (805) 385-7749 jamie.brown @ oxnardpd.org |
As summer winds down, the Ventura County Avoid the 14 DUI Task Force is ramping up its enforcement efforts as part of a national crackdown on drunk driving. The 18-day, high-visibility campaign, Conduzca sobrio o Paran, is a partnership with the California Office of Traffic Safety to curb impaired driving and save lives. A partir de agosto 21 a septiembre 7 (Día laboral), law enforcement partners in Ventura County, across the state and nationwide will show zero tolerance for drunk driving. Increased state and national messaging about the dangers of driving drunk, coupled with checkpoints and increased officers on the road, aim to drastically reduce the toll of drunk driving.
En 2013, había 10,076 people killed in drunk driving crashes, almost a third of all traffic fatalities according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). In California that year, 867 people died in drunk driving collisions according to NHTSA. Thirty-eight percent of crash fatalities on Labor Day weekend that year involved drunk drivers with a Blood Alcohol Content (LAC) de .08 por ciento o más. More than a quarter (27 por ciento) of the crash fatalities that occurred on Labor Day weekend involved drivers with BACs of .15 or higher – almost twice the illegal limit.
The County’s DUI Task Force kicked off last night with DUI/Driver’s License checkpoints in the City of Simi Valley. Operations over the next 18 days will include the following:
- Agosto 22 – DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoints, City of Thousand Oaks
- Agosto 28 – DUI Driver’s License Checkpoints, Ciudad de Oxnard
- Septiembre 4 – DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoints, Ciudad de Ventura
In addition to these checkpoints, agencies across Ventura County have planned several DUI saturation patrols, DUI warrant operations and two court sting operations. The California Highway Patrol will deploy all available officers onto freeways and county roads as part of their Maximum Enforcement Period over the three-day holiday weekend.
Law enforcement emphasizes the preventable nature of drunk driving reminding everyone that all it takes is a little planning ahead. Designe a un conductor sobrio o llamar a un taxi. Pero cualquier cosa que hagas, no beber y conducir. La Oficina de Seguridad Vial de California DDVIP (Conductor designado VIP) aplicación móvil ya está disponible para su descarga gratuita en iOS y Android. Lanzado el año pasado, la nueva aplicación DDVIP ofrece características mejoradas, permitiendo a los usuarios del “mapa un Spot” con su ubicación actual para encontrar DDVIP asociarse establecimientos de su zona o una “Lista de puntos” para buscar todos los bares y restaurantes participantes en todo California. Users will be offered free incentives at each bar to celebrate their life saving role. Pueden mantenerse al día con lo último de DDVIP y ver lo que dicen otros usuarios a través de su pestaña social.. También a través de la aplicación, para aquellos que quieren empaparse sino también que sea un punto para planificar el futuro, Los usuarios pueden solicitar fácilmente un conductor sobrio de Uber, Lyft o encintado - todo desde una sola pantalla.
So this August and year-round, remember that there’s no excuse for drunk or impaired driving. If you choose to break the law, policía, sheriff and CHP officials will see you before you see them. Conduzca sobrio o Paran.
Ventura County Avoid DUI Task Force funding is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration who reminds everyone; Reporte de Conductores Ebrios! – Call 9-1-1.
FECHA / TIEMPO DE PREPARACIÓN:Agosto 22, 2015 / 0845 horas