INCIDENTE: | Checkpoint Licencia DUI / Conducir s |
FECHA / HORA: | Marzo 17, 2016 / 7:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. |
PREPARADO POR: | Jamie Brown, Coordinador de Tráfico |
Oficial superior Jamie Brown (805) 385-7749 jamie.brown @ oxnardpd.org |
Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving
Keep the streets safe this St. El día de Patrick! Don’t drink and drive.
As one of the country’s most popular holidays, St. Patrick’s Day has long celebrated the roots of 34.2 million Americans with Irish ancestry, and many more who just want to partake in the festivities. Este año, if you’ll be drinking alcohol, remember: Driving Buzzed es Drunk Driving.
Trágicamente, Marzo 17 has become one of the nation’s deadliest holidays. In fact, desde 2010 a 2014, almost three-fourths of the drunk-driving fatalities during this holiday period involved drivers who had BACs well above the .08 limit, con 266 drunk-driving fatalities total nationwide, según la Administración Nacional de Seguridad del Tráfico en Carreteras.
To help lower deaths and injuries, the Oxnard Police Department will be conducting a DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint on St. Patrick’s Day between the hours of 7:00 p.m. y 2:00 a.m. en un lugar no revelado dentro de los límites de la ciudad. The Oxnard Police Department will also be deploying extra officers on overtime throughout the weekend following St. Patrick’s Day targeting problem areas with high numbers of DUI collisions and DUI arrests. These DUI patrols along with routine nightly patrols will be looking for the tell-tale signs of impaired driving to include weaving, crossing the center line, etc.
And keep an eye out for pedestrians who have had too much to drink: Walking while intoxicated can also be deadly, as lack of attention could put you at risk of getting hit by a vehicle. So whether you’ve indulged a little or a lot, law enforcements wants to remind everyone to drink and drive is a crime —you put yourself at risk, as well as others. The consequences are often fatal. Let’s make 2016 más seguro.
Use this party-planning checklist to stay safe this St. El día de Patrick.
- PARTY PREPARATION: Designate a sober, reliable driver to get you home safely. Find the name of a taxi company (or two), and keep their numbers in your phone, or download the California Office of Traffic Safety DDVIP (Conductor designado VIP) aplicación móvil ya está disponible para su descarga gratuita en iOS y Android. Launched in 2014, the DDVIP app offers enhanced features, permitiendo a los usuarios del “mapa un Spot” con su ubicación actual para encontrar DDVIP asociarse establecimientos de su zona o una “Lista de puntos” para buscar todos los bares y restaurantes participantes en todo California. Los usuarios recibirán incentivos gratuitos en cada bar para celebrar su papel de salvar vidas.. Pueden mantenerse al día con lo último de DDVIP y ver lo que dicen otros usuarios a través de su pestaña social.. También a través de la aplicación, para aquellos que quieren empaparse sino también que sea un punto para planificar el futuro, Los usuarios pueden solicitar fácilmente un conductor sobrio de Uber, Lyft o encintado - todo desde una sola pantalla.
- ON ST. PATRICK’S DAY: Before you take your first sip of green beer, leave your keys at home or give them to a friend. Ensure your designated driver has committed to a sober evening. If you’re the designated driver, do not drink. Your friends are relying on you, as are the people with whom you share the road. Enjoy non-alcoholic beverages and tweet your VIP (very important partygoer) status online using the hashtag #designateddriver.
- EVERY DAY: Primero, commit to driving sober today, St. El día de Patrick, and every day. Segundo, always keep the number of a taxi company in your phone or in your wallet so you have a backup plan if you find yourself in need of a sober driver. Último, if you’re impaired, don’t let pride get in the way of calling a sober friend or family member to get you home safely. Help spread the word about the dangers of drunk or buzzed driving, and the resources available to keep the streets safe.
- DRUG-IMPAIRED DRIVING: Estadísticas recientes revelan que 30 por ciento de los conductores en los accidentes fatales tenían una o más drogas en sus sistemas. Un estudio de los conductores activos mostraron más dio positivo para los medicamentos que perjudiquen conducción (14 por ciento) que hizo por el alcohol (7.3 por ciento). De los fármacos, marihuana era más prevalente, en 7.4 por ciento, un poco más de alcohol. Todos deben tener en cuenta que si está tomando medicamentos, ya sean recetados o de venta libre, beber incluso pequeñas cantidades de alcohol puede intensificar en gran medida los efectos del deterioro..
Recordar, driving after drinking or impaired by drugs should never be an option.
This enforcement campaign is funded by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, través de la Administración Nacional de Seguridad Vial. The next special DUI campaign is set for Cinco de Mayo.