Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Operation |
Diciembre 10, 2019, 12:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.
Ricardo Vazquez, Sargento |
PERSONA DE CONTACTO e información de contacto: |
Jamie Brown, Oficial superior (805) 385-7749 jamie.brown @ oxnardpd.org |
Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Operation Planned for Oxnard
The Oxnard Police Department will take part in a bicycle and pedestrian safety enforcement operation aimed at educating bicyclists, drivers and pedestrians on traffic laws, reglas, and responsibilities.
En diciembre 10, 2019, officers will be looking for violations made by bicyclists, conductores, and pedestrians that put roadway users at risk. Estas violaciones incluyen conductores que conducen a exceso de velocidad, hacer giros ilegales, no ceder a los peatones en los cruces de peatones, failing to stop for signs and signals or any other dangerous violations.
Los oficiales también buscarán peatones que crucen la calle ilegalmente o no cedan el paso a los conductores que tienen el derecho de paso.. Los ciclistas serán detenidos cuando conduzcan por el lado equivocado de la carretera., no cumplir con las señales y señales de alto, u otras violaciones de las mismas leyes de tránsito que se les aplican como conductores.
Bicycle and pedestrian fatalities are rising at an alarming rate. En 2016, 138 bicyclists and 867 pedestrians were killed on California roads. Pedestrian fatalities are up nearly 33 ciento de 2012, and the number of bicyclists killed is up nearly 25 percent over the past five years. En 2019, the Oxnard Police Department has investigated 12 fatal and 121 injury collisions involving bicyclists and pedestrians.
People walking should only cross the street using crosswalks or intersections, preferably with a stop sign or signal. People on foot should also look for cars backing up and avoid darting between parked cars, make eye contact with drivers and wear bright clothing during the day and reflective materials or use a flashlight at night.
Drivers should wait for pedestrians to cross the street, avoid distractions like using a cell phone, and be courteous and patient. All bike riders are reminded to always wear a helmet; helmets are required by law for those under 18. Los ciclistas deben viajar en la misma dirección del tráfico y tener los mismos requisitos que cualquier vehículo lento..
The Oxnard Police Department supports the new OTS public awareness campaign, “Go Safely, California.” To find out more about ways to go safely, visit gosafelyca.org.
La financiación de este programa es proporcionado por una subvención de la Oficina de Seguridad Vial de California, través de la Administración Nacional de Seguridad Vial.
FECHA / TIEMPO DE PREPARACIÓN: Diciembre 7, 2019 / 8:20 a.m.