FECHA: Febrero 25, 2021, 4:25 a.m.
TEMA: Colisión de tráfico fatal que involucra a un ciclista
UBICACIÓN: Channel Islands Blvd.. west of J Street
CONDUCTOR: 51-años de edad, varón de Oxnard
VEHÍCULO: 2018 Ford Transit Van
BICYCLIST: 39-años de edad, varón de Oxnard
CONTACTO: Joseph Clarke, Oficial de tráfico
(805) 385-7750 | [email protected]
En febrero 25, 2021, en aproximadamente 4:25 a.m., officers from the Oxnard Police Department and EMS personnel responded to a traffic collision involving a vehicle and a bicyclist that occurred on Channel Islands Blvd. west of J Street. Oficiales determinaron que una 2018 Ford Transit Van struck a 39-year-old male of Oxnard, who was riding a bicycle in the roadway. El ciclista sufrió heridas críticas y sucumbió a sus heridas en el lugar del choque.. The driver of the vehicle remained at the scene and provided information regarding the collision.
Los investigadores de tráfico respondieron al lugar y se hicieron cargo de la investigación.. Basado en la investigación inicial, it was determined that the driver of the Ford Transit Van was traveling westbound on Channel Islands Blvd. when the bicyclist was struck. The driver immediately stopped after the collision. It is unknown if alcohol or drugs are contributing factors to the collision.
Una investigación está en curso. Anyone who has information regarding this collision is urged to contact Traffic Officer Joseph Clarke at (805) 385-7750 o por correo electrónico a [email protected].