INCIDENT: | National Vehicle Theft Prevention Month in Oxnard; #NotThisCarOxnard Campaign |
DATE/TIME: | Year-to-Date |
LOCATION: | Citywide |
PREPARED BY: | Crystal Walker, Detective |
CONTACT PERSON AND CONTACT INFO: | Crystal Walker, Detective
(805) 385-7668 or crystal.walker@oxnardpd.org |
You’ve heard it all before when it comes to vehicle theft prevention: “Never Leave Your Car Unlocked”, “Never Leave Your Keys in the Car”, “Don’t Leave Your Car Idling and Unattended”, “Use Wheel Locks, Brake Pedal Locks and Steering Wheel Locks” but do we really listen? Do we really utilize these pieces of advice?
Most of the time, we believe that it won’t happen to us.
Through June 30th, the City of Oxnard has had approximately 415 stolen vehicles. Of those, 121 (or 25%) have been Honda sedans! The total number of stolen vehicles for 2018 is 29 stolen vehicles MORE than last year. Ninety-three of those stolen vehicles were crimes of opportunity which means those vehicles were unlocked or keys were left in the vehicle.
What does that mean? It means that the Oxnard Police Department needs your help!
Crime prevention is YOUR responsibility and it starts at home. Next time you walk away from your idling vehicle, in your driveway or on the street, turn around and turn it off. If you see your neighbor running inside with their doors open or unlocked, keep an eye out or let them know. If you see a suspicious person checking door handles to a vehicle that is not theirs, report it! Let’s let criminals know #NotThisCarOxnard!
We want you to know that the Oxnard Police Department will be doing their part as well. The Oxnard Auto Theft Task Force (OATTF) will be out in force looking for stolen vehicles and arresting the criminals responsible. Patrol officers, equipped with license plate readers on their vehicles, will also be patrolling our streets 24/7. Several community events will be announced in the coming days, in addition to enforcement details being performed.
Residents are encouraged to be “Partners in Public Safety” and are reminded to report suspicious activity to police. Residents can report anonymously and translators are available 24/7. Anyone with information regarding criminal activity is encouraged to contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7740 or the Ventura County Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477 and www.venturacountycrimestoppers.org.
In addition, the Oxnard Police Department has a limited number of steering wheel locks available, free of charge, to owners of the ‘90s Honda sedans. To obtain a steer wheel lock, contact Detective Charles Buttell at (805) 385-7755 or charles.buttell@oxnardpd.org or Detective Enrique Alvarez at (805) 385-7664 or Enrique.alvarez@oxnardpd.org.
DATE / TIME PREPARED: 07/10/18 @ 10:30 a.m.