The Oxnard Police Department is proud to have recently added a special tribute to those employees that retired with honor from our organization. The main hallway of the second floor in the Public Safety Building is now lined with pictures and engraved nameplates of sworn officers and civilians who retired with honor after twenty years or more with the Oxnard Police Department. The second floor hallway has always had historical pictures from throughout the 100-year existence of the Oxnard Police Department but seemed to be lacking a direct tribute to our predecessors.
In the fall of 2007, members of the Professional Standards Division began compiling past photographs and contacting retired employees hoping they would provide pictures of themselves from their career with the Oxnard Police Department. We have received a tremendous response from our retirees who seem excited at the prospect of adding some much needed nostalgia to our hallways. It is fascinating for our employees, both young and old, to walk the hallway and not only inquire, “Who is that?”, but to see faces of old friends and reminisce about forgotten memories.
The final step in the completion of the honor wall will be a special tribute to all former Chiefs of Police with the Oxnard Police Department. We are busy putting the finishing touches on pictures of every single Chief that has ever graced the halls of the Oxnard Police Department. We look forward to the completion of this exciting project and invite anyone that visits the Oxnard Police Department to take a minute to “walk the hallway” and enjoy the memories generated by our new honor wall.