INCIDENT: | Automotive Repair and Body Shop Inspections Result In Numerous Citations Being Issued |
DATE/TIME: | 2/27/19 @ 12:00 p.m. |
LOCATION: | Brenes Auto Body, 720 East Fifth Street #B, OxnardTune-Up USA, 720 East Fifth Street #D, OxnardRudy’s Tire, 730 East Fifth Street, OxnardRubens Auto Body Shop, 810 East Fifth Street, OxnardEbenezer Auto Repair, 830 East Fifth Street #A, OxnardZavala’s Auto Body, 820 East Fifth Street, OxnardIsais Auto Service, 830 East Fifth Street, OxnardMagno’s Auto Body, 1237 Commercial Avenue, Oxnard |
PREPARED BY: | Luis Mancha, Sergeant |
CONTACT PERSON AND CONTACT INFO: | Enrique Alvarez, Detective Enrique.alvarez@oxnardpd.org or (805) 385-7664 |
On February 27, 2019, a team comprised of members from the Oxnard Police Department, Oxnard Fire Department, Oxnard Code Compliance, California Highway Patrol and the Department of Motor Vehicles conducted inspections at several automotive repair and body shops located in Oxnard. The inspections were conducted as part of the City of Oxnard Code Compliance Division’s assigned duties of maintaining business compliance with city codes.
The following auto repair and body shops were inspected:
- Brenes Auto Body, 720 East Fifth Street #B, Oxnard
- Tune-Up USA, 720 East Fifth Street #D, Oxnard
- Rudy’s Tire, 730 East Fifth Street, Oxnard
- Rubens Auto Body Shop, 810 East Fifth Street, Oxnard
- Ebenezer Auto Repair, 830 East Fifth Street #A, Oxnard
- Zavala’s Auto Body, 820 East Fifth Street, Oxnard
- Isais Auto Service, 830 East Fifth Street, Oxnard
- Magno’s Auto Body, 1237 Commercial Avenue, Oxnard
Oxnard Police Department Auto Theft Task Force (ATTF) members and the Ventura County Combined Auto Theft Task Force (VenCATT) also participated in the inspections. The two auto theft units were specifically tasked with the inspection of abandoned, inoperative and dismantled vehicles to verify whether or not they were stolen. No stolen vehicles or stolen vehicle parts were identified.
The inspections of the automotive repair and body shops resulted in the issuance of numerous citations for failing to possess state and city licenses to operate a business, fire code violations and city ordinance violations, as well as, correctable citations to businesses in the process of rectifying infractions.
The Oxnard Police Department cannot effectively operate without the assistance of concerned, responsible residents. We depend on YOU to call and tell us whenever you see suspicious persons or activity. Contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7740 or the Ventura County Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477 and www.venturacountycrimestoppers.org to report suspicious or criminal activity. Translators are available 24/7.
DATE / TIME PREPARED: 02/28/19 @ 2:00 p.m.