DATE: April 22, 2021, 5:51 P.M.
SUBJECT: Felon Arrested After Dumping Loaded Handgun in Convenience Store
LOCATION: 1900 Block North Rose Ave., Oxnard
SUSPECTS: Michael Sigala, 31-year-old Camarillo resident
CONTACT: Tim Kelley, Commander
(805) 857-5297 | [email protected]
On April 22nd, at approximately 5:51 p.m. officers from the Oxnard Special Enforcement Unit (Gang Unit) conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for a suspected traffic violation at Rose Ave. and Gonzales Rd. The driver, later identified as Michael Sigala, immediately fled from the vehicle and into a crowded convenience store where Sigala attempted to hide a loaded handgun amongst display items in the store. Sigala was apprehended as he attempted to flee the convenience store. Officers recovered the loaded firearm from the display items.
Sigala is a felon and prohibited from possessing firearms due to the following felony convictions: felony child abuse, felon in possession of firearms, and felony evading. Sigala is also a documented Oxnard criminal street gang member. Sigala was booked for several felony firearms violations.
The Oxnard Police Department’s Special Enforcement Unit is committed to reducing gang crimes and gun violence in the City of Oxnard through the strict enforcement of laws specifically targeting known, active gang members residing in the city. Anyone with information regarding this case or other criminal activity is encouraged to contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7600, or online via the Oxnard Police Department’s website:, and clicking on Report Suspicious Activity. You can remain anonymous if you choose to do so. You can remain anonymous by calling the Ventura County Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477. You can also visit this site: to submit a tip via text or email
DATE / TIME PREPARED: April 22, 2021 / 1945 hours
DATE: April 21, 2021, 3:00 p.m.
SUBJECT: Overdose investigation leads to Fentanyl Sales Arrest
SUSPECTS: Robert Garcia, 47 year old Oxnard resident
LOCATION: 4600 Block of South ‘A’ Street, Oxnard
CONTACT: Brandon Ordelheide, Sergeant
805-256-5121, [email protected]
During the month of March, 2021, the Oxnard Police Department Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU), the South District Neighborhood Policing Team (NPT), and Homeless Liaison Officers (HLO’s) began an investigation regarding an increase in drug overdoses occurring in south Oxnard. During the investigation, Robert Garcia was identified as being involved in the sale of Fentanyl in the surrounding area. DEU Detectives developed enough evidence to obtain a search warrant for narcotics sales.
On April 21, 2021, with the assistance of South District NPT Officers, a search warrant was served at Robert Garcia’s residence. During the service of the search warrant, Garcia fled from officers and was detained at the residence. During a search of the residence, detectives and NPT Officers located a large quantity of Fentanyl, Heroin, Methamphetamine, US Currency, and further evidence of narcotics sales.
Robert Garcia was arrested for possession for sale of Fentanyl, Heroin, and Methamphetamine, all felonies. Additionally, Garcia was charged with possession of ammunition by a prohibited person, a felony, destruction of evidence, and resisting an officer during the course of the investigation, both misdemeanors. This is Garcia’s second arrest for narcotics sales in the City of Oxnard within the last 17 months.
The Oxnard Police Department is committed to reducing narcotics related overdoses within Oxnard neighborhoods. Anyone with information regarding this case or other criminal activity is encouraged to contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7600, or online via the Oxnard Police Department’s website:, and clicking on “Report Suspicious Activity.” You can remain anonymous if you choose to do so by calling the Ventura County Crime Stoppers. at (800)222-8477. You can also visit their website: to submit a tip via text or email.
DATE: April 22, 2021, 5:51 P.M.
SUBJECT: Felon Arrested After Dumping Loaded Handgun in Convenience Store
LOCATION: 1900 Block North Rose Ave., Oxnard
SUSPECTS: Michael Sigala, 37-year-old Camarillo resident
CONTACT: Tim Kelley, Commander
(805) 857-5297 | [email protected]
On April 22nd, at approximately 5:51 p.m. officers from the Oxnard Special Enforcement Unit (Gang Unit) conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for a suspected traffic violation at Rose Ave. and Gonzales Rd. The driver, later identified as Michael Sigala, immediately fled from the vehicle and into a crowded convenience store where Sigala attempted to hide a loaded handgun amongst display items in the store. Sigala was apprehended as he attempted to flee the convenience store. Officers recovered the loaded firearm from the display items.
Sigala is a felon and prohibited from possessing firearms due to the following felony convictions: felony child abuse, felon in possession of firearms, and felony evading. Sigala is also a documented Oxnard criminal street gang member. Sigala was booked for several felony firearms violations.
The Oxnard Police Department’s Special Enforcement Unit is committed to reducing gang crimes and gun violence in the City of Oxnard through the strict enforcement of laws specifically targeting known, active gang members residing in the city. Anyone with information regarding this case or other criminal activity is encouraged to contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7600, or online via the Oxnard Police Department’s website:, and clicking on Report Suspicious Activity. You can remain anonymous if you choose to do so. You can remain anonymous by calling the Ventura County Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477. You can also visit this site: to submit a tip via text or email
DATE / TIME PREPARED: April 22, 2021 / 1945 hours
DATE: April 20, 2021, 3:00 p.m.
SUBJECT: Narcotic Sales / PRCS Arrest
SUSPECTS: Max Castro, 41 year old Oxnard resident
LOCATION: 600 Block of Evergreen Lane, Port Hueneme
CONTACT: Brandon Ordelheide, Sergeant
805-256-5121, [email protected]
During the month of April, 2021, the Oxnard Police Department Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU) began an investigation into Max Castro regarding the sales and trafficking of Fentanyl in the City of Oxnard. Additionally, Castro is currently on Post Release Community Supervision (PRCS) for transportation of narcotics. DEU Detectives developed enough evidence to obtain a search warrant for narcotics sales.
On April 20, 2021, with the assistance of SEU Officers, Castro was located in the City of Port Hueneme. After Castro was detained, SEU Officers and DEU Detectives served a search warrant at his residence located in the 600 block of Evergreen Lane. During a search of the residence, detectives located a plastic zip-lock bag containing a large quantity of Fentanyl and evidence of narcotics sales. Detectives also located small amounts of Fentanyl and Methamphetamine packaged for sale.
Max Castro was arrested for possession for sale of Fentanyl, a Felony, and a violation of his Post Release Community Supervision.
The Post Release Offender Program was created in 2011 by Assembly Bill 109 (Public Safety Realignment). The program mandates that individuals sentenced to non-violent, non-serious or non-sex related felony offenses will serve their sentences in county jails instead of state prison. Release under AB 109 is based on the offender’s most recent commitment offense and prior convictions are not considered.
The Oxnard Police Department is committed to identifying and disrupting the narcotics activity responsible for creating quality of life issues within Oxnard neighborhoods. Anyone with information regarding this case or other criminal activity is encouraged to contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7600, or online via the Oxnard Police Department’s website:, and clicking on “Report Suspicious Activity.” You can remain anonymous if you choose to do so by calling the Ventura County Crime Stoppers. at (800)222-8477. You can also visit their website: to submit a tip via text or email.
DATE: April 20, 2021, 6:50 P.M.
SUBJECT: Gang Members Arrested for Possession of a Firearm
LOCATION: 1600 block of South Ventura Road, Oxnard CA.
CONTACT: Martin Cook, Sergeant
(805) 385-7600 | [email protected]
On April 20, at approximately 6:50 p.m., Officers from the Oxnard Police Department Special Enforcement Unit (gang unit) attempted to conduct a traffic stop of a tan Honda Accord in the area of Patterson and Hemlock Street. The vehicle immediately began to flee officers, and a pursuit ensued. The pursuit went through the Marina West neighborhood for approximately one mile, and finally ended at the 1600 block of South Ventura Road. The driver and sole occupant, Cesar Villeda (24yrs), was taken into custody without further incident. Villeda is a known criminal street gang member within the City of Oxnard.
After the conclusion of the pursuit, officers learned that a loaded non-serialized P80 (Glock Style) 9 millimeter semi-automatic handgun had been discarded from the vehicle in the Marina West neighborhood. P80 semi-automatic handguns are commercially sold incomplete and without serial numbers; they must be further manufactured to make them functioning firearms and later serialized. Villeda was arrested for felony pursuit and various firearm related charges.
The Oxnard Police Department’s Special Enforcement Unit is committed to reducing gang crimes and gun violence in the City of Oxnard through the strict enforcement of laws specifically targeting known, active gang members residing in the city. Anyone with information regarding this case or other criminal activity is encouraged to contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7600, or online via the Oxnard Police Department’s website:, and clicking on Report Suspicious Activity. You can remain anonymous if you choose to do so. You can remain anonymous by calling the Ventura County Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477. You can also visit this site: to submit a tip via text or email.
DATE: April 17, 2021, 10:26 P.M.
SUBJECT: Subject Arrested for Firearm and Narcotics Possession
LOCATION: Oxnard Blvd. at Statham Blvd., Oxnard
SUSPECTS: Marcos Nunez, 27-year-old Oxnard resident
Luis Medrano, 36-year-old Oxnard resident
CONTACT: Tim Kelley, Commander
(805) 857-5297 | [email protected]
On April 17th, at approximately 10:26 p.m. officers from the Oxnard Special Enforcement Unit (Gang Unit) conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for a suspected traffic violation at Oxnard Blvd and Statham Blvd. Officers made contact with the occupants and learned that the passenger, Luis Medrano, was on probation and had an outstanding felony warrant. Officers searched the vehicle pursuant to Medrano's court ordered probation and located a concealed handgun in the vehicle, belonging to the driver, Marcos Nunez. Nunez was also in possession of narcotics. Both Nunez and Medrano are documented criminal street gang members.
Medrano was arrested for his outstanding warrant and Nunez was arrested for various firearms and narcotics related violations.
The Oxnard Police Department’s Special Enforcement Unit is committed to reducing gang crimes and gun violence in the City of Oxnard through the strict enforcement of laws specifically targeting known, active gang members residing in the city. Anyone with information regarding this case or other criminal activity is encouraged to contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7600, or online via the Oxnard Police Department’s website:, and clicking on Report Suspicious Activity. You can remain anonymous if you choose to do so. You can remain anonymous by calling the Ventura County Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477. You can also visit this site: to submit a tip via text or email
DATE / TIME PREPARED: April 18, 2021 / 0110 hours
DATE: April 18, 2021
SUBJECT: DUI and Driver’s License Checkpoint Results
CONTACT: Jose Diaz, Senior Officer
(805) 385-7749 | [email protected]
Two Drivers Arrested at the Oxnard DUI Checkpoint
Oxnard, Calif. – 782 drivers were screened while driving through a DUI checkpoint on April 17, 2021. The checkpoint was held at Victoria Avenue and Wooley Road from 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.
Ten drivers were cited for operating a vehicle unlicensed or with a suspended/revoked license and two drivers were arrested for DUI.
Checkpoint locations are based on a history of crashes and DUI arrests. The primary purpose of checkpoints is not to make arrests, but to promote public safety by deterring drivers from driving impaired.
As businesses continue to reopen, including bars and restaurants, impaired driving remains a top traffic safety concern. Funding for this checkpoint was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
DATE: April 16, 2021, 9:06 A.M.
SUBJECT: A Fatal Shooting Victim Discovered After Traffic Collision
LOCATION: 1400 block of West Hemlock Street
VICTIM: Male Hispanic, (Name Withheld Pending Notification to Family)
SUSPECT: Unknown
CONTACT: Edgar Fernandez, Sergeant
(805) 385-7633 | [email protected]
On April 16, 2021, at about 9:00 A.M., Officers from the Oxnard Police Department were dispatched to a call of a traffic collision in the 1400 block of West Hemlock Street. The involved vehicle had collided with two parked cars. Upon officer arrival, the occupant was found unresponsive. Emergency Medical Personnel immediately arrived on scene and noticed what appeared to be a gunshot wound to the victim. The victim was transported to the hospital for further medical treatment. Unfortunately, once at the hospital the victim succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced dead.
Oxnard Police Department Major Crimes Unit and Violent Crimes Unit arrived on scene. This is currently an on-going investigation.
Detectives are encouraging anyone who may have video recorded or photographed all or part of the incident, to upload your media directly to the investigators via the following link: All submissions are immediately logged into the Oxnard Police Department’s digital evidence system. Contact information is not stored by Axon and community members can remain anonymous, choosing to upload their files without providing contact information.
Investigators are encouraging anyone who may have heard or seen anything to contact Detective John Sunia (805) 385-7760. Also, anyone with information regarding this case or other criminal activity is encouraged to contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7600, or online via the Oxnard Police Department's, and clicking on Report Suspicious Activity. You can remain anonymous if you choose to do so. You can also remain anonymous by calling the Ventura County Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477. You can also visit this site: to submit a tip via text or email.
DATE / TIME PREPARED: April 16, 2021, 2:15 P.M.
DATE: April 15, 2021
SUBJECT: DUI and Driver’s License Checkpoint and Saturation Patrols
CONTACT: Jose Diaz, Senior Officer
(805) 385-7749 | [email protected]
Oxnard Police Department to hold a DUI Checkpoint and use extra officers to patrol for suspected impaired drivers
The Oxnard Police Department will have additional officers on patrol Saturday, April 17, 2021, specifically looking for drivers suspected of being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. DUI patrols will be throughout the entire City from 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.
In addition, the Oxnard Police Department will hold a DUI/driver’s license checkpoint on April 17, 2021, from 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. at an undisclosed location within the city limits. DUI checkpoints and patrols are done in locations with a history of DUI-related collisions and arrests. During the checkpoint, officers will be looking for signs of alcohol and/or drug impairment, with officers checking drivers for proper licensing.
In 2018, 1,069 people were killed on California roads in crashes involving drivers who had a blood alcohol content over the legal limit (.08 or above). Last year, the Oxnard Police Department investigated 264 DUI crashes that resulted in 143 injured persons.
Oxnard Police Department reminds the public that impaired driving is not just from alcohol. Prescription or over-the-counter medications with an operating heavy machinery warning on the label can also impair. While medicinal and recreational marijuana is legal, driving under the influence of marijuana is illegal.
If you plan on drinking or are taking medications that can affect your ability to drive, please take these precautions to avoid a DUI:
· Always use a designated sober driver – a friend who is not drinking, ride-share, cab, or public transportation – to get home.
· Walking while impaired is also dangerous. Have someone sober walk you home or stay with you until a sober driver is available to pick you up.
· Report drunk drivers – Call 911.
· Hosting a party? Offer nonalcoholic drinks. Monitor who is drinking and how they are getting home.
A DUI charge is not cheap. Drivers charged with DUI face an average of $13,500 in fines and penalties, as well as a suspended license and possible jail time.
Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
DATE: April 14, 2021, at 1:45 PM
SUBJECT: Suspect Arrested for Shooting Death in Oxnard
VICTIM: Cristobal Gonzalez, 21 year old, Oxnard Resident
SUSPECT: Jason Armenta, 20 year old, Oxnard Resident
CONTACT: Edgar Fernandez, Sergeant
(805) 385-7633 | [email protected]
On April 4, 2021, at about 6:55 PM, Officers from the Oxnard Police Department were dispatched to the 600 block of Howell Road, reference a shooting victim down in the street. Upon officer arrival, they located the victim, Cristobal Gonzalez, a 21 year old, Oxnard resident, suffering from a gunshot wound. Emergency medical personnel arrived and transported Gonzalez to the Ventura County Medical Center where he unfortunately succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced dead.
Investigators from the Oxnard Police Department Major Crimes Unit responded and took control of the homicide investigation. During the ten day investigation, detectives worked collaboratively alongside the Oxnard Police Department Drug Enforcement Unit, Federal Bureau of Investigations, OPD Special Enforcement Unit, Violent Crimes Unit, Crime Reduction Unit and the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department, to identify a suspect in the shooting death of Cristobal Gonzalez.
On April 14, 2021, Officers from the Oxnard Police Department Special Enforcement Unit, Drug Enforcement Unit and the Major Crimes Unit arrested Jason Armenta, a 20 year old, Oxnard resident for the murder of Cristobal Gonzalez. Armenta was booked into the Ventura County Main Jail, with a bail amount of $500,000.
This investigation is on-going. Investigators are encouraging anyone who may have heard or seen anything to contact Detective Jeff Kay (805) 385-8174. Anyone with information regarding this case or other criminal activity is encouraged to contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7600, or online via the Oxnard Police Department's, and clicking on Report Suspicious Activity. You can remain anonymous if you choose to do so. You can also remain anonymous by calling the Ventura County Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477. You can also visit this site: to submit a tip via text or email.
DATE / TIME PREPARED: April 14, 5:30 P.M.
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