DATE: February 4, 2021
SUBJECT: Unattended Vehicle Enforcement
LOCATION: Citywide, Oxnard, CA
CONTACT: Enrique Alvarez, Auto Theft Task Force
(805) 385-7664 |
In our ongoing efforts to reduce auto thefts, the Oxnard Police Department Auto Theft Task Force conducted an operation this morning targeting vehicles that were found to be running without the driver being present. Often, early risers in Oxnard tend to turn their cars on to warm them up. While the car is warming up, the drivers head indoors to finish getting ready for their day, leaving their car unattended. These actions create a crime of opportunity that is often taken advantage of by criminals.
Auto Theft Detective Enrique Alvarez, who participated in this morning’s operation, said, “I regularly read reports where a hard-working resident who is preparing for work has their vehicle stolen because they left it running out in front of their home.” He further stated that these car theft victims frequently tell him that they were only away from their vehicle for a minute.
Leaving your vehicle running and unattended is against the law and carries a fine of $70. Today, Auto Theft Detectives set out to enforce this law and educate motorists on the consequences of leaving their vehicles running while they are indoors. Detectives issued a total of 12 citations to residents throughout the City.
The Oxnard Police Department will continue to enforce this law and ask that our community members do their part in helping reduce auto theft in our city by not leaving their vehicles running and unattended.
Anyone with information regarding this operation or other criminal activity is encouraged to contact the Oxnard Police Department at (805) 385-7600, or online via the Oxnard Police Department's website:, and clicking on Report Suspicious Activity. You can remain anonymous if you choose to do so. You can also stay anonymous by calling the Ventura County Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477. You can also visit this site: to submit a tip via text or email.